Sunday 5 June 2011

Hope and Faith is what they say you need the what if you din't make it this what if you fell; rise up and start again..but can anybody other than yourself convince you about it.

May be or may be not..does anyone have an answer to this.What do you do when you know what you might want but still it all seems disarrayed..unfazed and a total chaos.You may be good at things which are totally different from one another and  all you wish to figure out is that how do you make these fit into the broader picture.How are you going to join the dots?

How you wish at times, that you were apparently lucky enough to know what NEXT...what after THIS. But does it really happen. Does anyone ever know or is it just Faith and the Instinct to go try it out without caring about the outcome. A sign is what we keep waiting for, but how do we know when we do get it.

It often crosses my mind as to why a few people are more confused than the others. Why is it so difficult to commit to stuff, to have unshaken faith, to keep going however long may the journey be. I look for answers every now and then but none of the answers suffice for long, I guess I need to look for the answers deep inside myself ; just like happiness, its inside you not elsewhere.

Does one ever move on, ever forget things or people or one just learns to live with it. Either way time is passing by..and its just an expression to be frozen in doesn't really happen, does it.

Life is all about trying and failing and still keep trying so what if the confusion persists..still keep trying.


  1. Good stuff.

    The past few months in my life have been spent immersed in confusion and plenty of darkness and failing myself. I've come to realize that in some ways, we're all just as confused as the other person because no one gets a user manual to life.

    Although, some people do seem to have it a lot easier than others. And if they don't, they prefer to not talk about it in the open because they fear what others will say.

    I envy people who do have clear cut goals and a defined path to achieve them. Or people who have a passion that drives them. Some people have trouble finding goals, but we need room in our lives for positivity to grow. Sometimes we can't find our goals because there's no room in our lives to let them enter. I'm working on this part.

    As far as the writing goes. Write honestly. Not because you think it's the right thing to say or because it's what you think people want to hear.
